Wavefunction 3D

Main functions of rsgrad wav3d

  • List the brief information of WAVECAR;
  • Save the selected wavefunction to .vasp file.

Help Message

$ rsgrad wav3d --help
Plot wavefunction in realspace, and save it as '.vasp' file

Usage: rsgrad wav3d [OPTIONS]

  -w, --wavecar <WAVECAR>
          WAVECAR file name
          [default: ./WAVECAR]

  -p, --poscar <POSCAR>
          POSCAR filename, POSCAR is needed to get the real-space wavefunction
          [default: ./POSCAR]

  -s, --ispins [<ISPINS>...]
          Select spin index, starting from 1
          [default: 1]

  -k, --ikpoints [<IKPOINTS>...]
          Select kpoint index, starting from 1.
          You can input ranges directly: `-k 1..4 5..10`
          [default: 1]

  -b, --ibands [<IBANDS>...]
          Select band index, starting from 1.
          You can input ranges directly: `-b 1..4 5..10`

  -l, --list
          List the brief info of current WAVECAR

  -d, --detail
          Show the eigen values and band occupations of current WAVECAR.
          This flag should be used with `--list`

      --gamma-half <GAMMA_HALF>
          Gamma Half direction of WAVECAR. You need to set this to 'x' or 'z' when processing WAVECAR produced by `vasp_gam`
          [possible values: x, z]

      --ngrid <NGRID> <NGRID> <NGRID>
          Grid size for realspace wavefunction, 3 numbers are required, i.e. NGXF NGYF and NGZF.
          If this argument is left empty, NG_F will be set as NG_F=2*NG_.
          Be aware that NG_F must be greater than or at least equal to corresponding NG_.

  -o, --output-parts [<OUTPUT_PARTS>...]
          Specify output part of the wavefunction.
          Detailed message:
           - normsquared/ns: Perform `ρ(r) = |ѱ(r)|^2` action to get the spatial distribution of selected band.
           - real/re: Real part of the wavefunction, suffix '_re.vasp' is added to the output filename.
           - imag/im: Imaginary part of the wavefunction, suffix '_im.vasp' is added to the output filename.
           - reim: Output both real part and imaginary parts of the wavefunction.
           - uns/dns: Perform `ρ(r) = |ѱ(r)|^2` for spinor up/down only. **Note: this option works for `ncl` WAVECAR only.**
          [possible values: normsquared, ns, uns, dns, real, re, imag, im, reim]

      --prefix <PREFIX>
          Prefix of output filename
          [default: wav]

  -e, --show-eigs-suffix
          Add eigen value suffix to the filename

          Perform sum-up of the charge densities for selected bands.
          With this flag open, only `normsquared` or `ns` or `uns` or `dns` are allowed for the `-o`/`--output-parts` option.
           - The prefix for output filename `sum-prefix` is also required and has no default prefix.
           - The individual charge densities will not be saved to corresponding '.vasp' files if this flag is on.

      --sum-prefix <SUM_PREFIX>
          Specify the output file for the summed charge densities.
          This argument is required if `sum_chgs` is on.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')


  • List the brief information of WAVECAR
$ rsgrad wav3d -l

[2022-07-14T09:19:51Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Reading WAVECAR: "./WAVECAR"
LENGTH     =             54145104
RECLEN     =              1388336
TYPE       =             Standard
NSPIN      =                    1
NKPTS      =                    1
NBANDS     =                   36
ENCUT      =              450.000
EFERMI     =               -5.368
VOLUME     =             8000.000
NGRID      = [  71,   71,   71]
NPLWS      = [173541]
ACELL      = [[  20.000,    0.000,    0.000], [   0.000,   20.000,    0.000], [   0.000,    0.000,   20.000]]
BCELL      = [[   0.050,    0.000,    0.000], [   0.000,    0.050,    0.000], [   0.000,    0.000,    0.050]]

[2022-07-14T09:19:51Z INFO  rsgrad] Time used: 160.337862ms

if you want the band eigen values information

$ rsgrad wav3d -ld


ISPIN:  1  IKPOINT:    1  IBAND:     1 E-Efermi:    -19.991 Occupation: 1.000
ISPIN:  1  IKPOINT:    1  IBAND:     2 E-Efermi:    -18.141 Occupation: 1.000
ISPIN:  1  IKPOINT:    1  IBAND:     3 E-Efermi:    -18.141 Occupation: 1.000
ISPIN:  1  IKPOINT:    1  IBAND:     4 E-Efermi:    -16.418 Occupation: 1.000
ISPIN:  1  IKPOINT:    1  IBAND:     5 E-Efermi:    -15.534 Occupation: 1.000
ISPIN:  1  IKPOINT:    1  IBAND:     6 E-Efermi:    -15.532 Occupation: 1.000
ISPIN:  1  IKPOINT:    1  IBAND:     7 E-Efermi:    -10.662 Occupation: 1.000
ISPIN:  1  IKPOINT:    1  IBAND:     8 E-Efermi:    -10.661 Occupation: 1.000
  • Save the selected wavefunction to .vasp file
$ rsgrad wav3d -b {10..20} -o ns -e

[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Reading WAVECAR: "./WAVECAR"
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Reading POSCAR: "./POSCAR"
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   10 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   13 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   11 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   14 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   12 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   15 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-13_-5.740eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-15_-5.601eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-14_-5.728eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-10_-8.376eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-11_-7.385eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-12_-7.380eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:08Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   18 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:08Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   19 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:09Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-18_-3.514eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:09Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   16 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:09Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   20 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:09Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-19_-3.265eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:09Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point   1, band   17 ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:10Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-16_-5.477eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:10Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-17_-3.546eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:10Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-20_-0.701eV.vasp" ...
[2022-07-14T09:23:11Z INFO  rsgrad] Time used: 5.484733549s

Open the .vasp in VESTA

rsgrad wav3d supports extracting multiple bands at the same time, and the processes executed in parallel, which can save a lot of time.