Band Structure

rsgrad band can plot the band structure from PROCAR and OUTCAR.

Help Message

$ rsgrad band -h
Plot bandstructure and projected bandstructure

    rsgrad band [OPTIONS]

    -c, --config <CONFIG>
            Band structure plot configuration file path

        --colormap <COLORMAP>
            [default: jet]

        --efermi <EFERMI>
            Set the E-fermi given from SCF's OUTCAR and it will be the reference energy level

            Generate band structure plot configuration template

    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --htmlout <HTMLOUT>
            Save the band structure plot as HTML [default: band.html]

    -k, --kpoint-labels <KPOINT_LABELS>
            Symbols for high symmetry points on the kpoint path

        --ncl-spinor <NCL_SPINOR>
            [possible values: X, Y, Z]

        --outcar <OUTCAR>
            OUTCAR path [default: ./OUTCAR]

        --procar <PROCAR>
            PROCAR path [default: ./PROCAR]

            Open the browser and show the plot immediately

            Render the plot and print the rendered code to stdout

        --txtout-prefix <TXTOUT_PREFIX>
            Save the raw data of band structure [default: band_raw]

        --ylim <YLIM> <YLIM>
            Set the y-range of the plot [default: "-1 6"]

Configuration Template

# rsgrad Band plot configuration in toml format.
# multiple tokens inside string are seperated by whitespace, if you 

# kpoint-labels   = ["G", "K", "M", "G"]   # should be consistant with the boundaries in KPOINTS
procar          = "PROCAR"
outcar          = "OUTCAR"
txtout-prefix   = "band_raw"
htmlout         = "band.html"
# segment-ranges  = [[1, 40], [41, 80], [81, 120]]  # if commented, rsgrad will find the boundaries by judging if k[i] == k[i+1]
# ncl-spinor      = "Z"     # for vasp_ncl calculation
# colormap        = "jet"     # the colormap specified to plot ncl-band
# efermi          = 0.0       # if commented, rsgrad will read the efermi from OUTCAR, but if may be slightly different from scf's
# ylim            = [-1, 6]

# [pband.plot1]
# spins   = "up down"     # "u d" are also ok, for ncl system, "tot x y z" are available
# atoms   = "1 3..7 -1"   # which atoms to project on, if commented, all atoms are selected
# orbits  = "s px dxy"    # which orbits to project on, if commented, all orbits are selected
# color   = "red"         # the color of marker

Example (without configuration file)

Simply run rsgrad band can plot the band structure.

$ rsgrad band
[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Reading fermi level and lattice data from "./OUTCAR"
[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Reading band data from "./PROCAR"
[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Found Fermi level: 12.7626, shifting eigenvalues ...
[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z WARN  rsgrad::commands::band] No k-point labels found, use empty labels instead
[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Plotting raw bands ...
[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Writing Bandstructure to "band.html"
[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Writing raw band data to "band_raw.txt"
[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO  rsgrad] Time used: 79.644034ms

There may be a warning reminds you provide the labels of each high-symmetry point.
rsgrad identifies high-symmetry points by calculate the difference of consecutive k-points. If the difference equals zero, these two points are labelled as one high-symmetry point.

For example:

k-point    38 :       0.0000    0.0256    0.0000
k-point    39 :       0.0000    0.0128    0.0000
k-point    40 :       0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
k-point    41 :       0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
k-point    42 :      -0.0085    0.0171    0.0000
k-point    43 :      -0.0171    0.0342    0.0000

k-point 40 and k-point 41 are same, thus be identified as one high-symmetry point. Each of the high-symmetry points need a label. You may either left the --kpoint-labels empty or provide the correct labels seperated by white spaces. Sometimes it may produce wrong band structure due to the special k-point path like

kpoints for bandstructure L-G-X-U K-G
  0.50000  0.50000  0.50000    1
  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000    1

  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000    1
  0.00000  0.50000  0.50000    1

  0.00000  0.50000  0.50000    1
  0.25000  0.62500  0.62500    1

  0.37500  0.7500   0.37500    1
  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000    1

The end of third segment (0.25000, 0.62500, 0.62500) and the beginning of fourth segment (0.37500, 0.7500, 0.37500) are not consistent, which produces wrong k-path, leading to wrong band structure:

To solve this issue, you need to try the configuration file.

Example (with configuration file)

With the configuration in the following

kpoint-labels   = ["L", "Γ", "X", "U|K", "Γ"]
procar          = "PROCAR"
outcar          = "OUTCAR"
txtout-prefix   = "pband_raw"
htmlout         = "pband.html"
segment-ranges  = [[1, 10], [11, 20], [21, 30], [31, 40]]

orbits  = "px py pz"
color   = "red"

and run rsgrad -c pband.toml

$ rsgrad band -c pband.toml
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Reading porjected band configuration fomr Some("pband.toml")
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Reading fermi level and lattice data from "OUTCAR"
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Reading band data from "PROCAR"
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Found Fermi level: 12.7626, shifting eigenvalues ...
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Plotting raw bands ...
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Plotting projected bands ...
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Writting projected band Si-p-orbit to "pband_raw_Si-p-orbit.txt" ...
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Projected band plot time usage: 1.220401ms
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Writing Bandstructure to "band.html"
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::band] Writing raw band data to "pband_raw.txt"
[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO  rsgrad] Time used: 77.804627ms

then it produces

Example (for non-collinear system)

For the results produced by vasp_ncl, rsgrad supports plotting the \(z\) (\(x\) and \(y\) are also OK) projection to analyze the spin angular moments.

kpoint-labels   = ["M", "Γ", "K", "M"]
procar          = "PROCAR"
outcar          = "OUTCAR"
txtout-prefix   = "band_ncl_raw"
htmlout         = "band_ncl.html"
segment-ranges  = [[81, 120], [1, 40], [41, 80]]
ncl-spinor      = "Z"
colormap        = "jet"

then it produces