There are several operations that rsgrad pos can do

  • Convert the fractional coordinates to Cartesian coordinates or convert reversely;
  • Split the POSCAR and save the two parts;
    This command is useful when you want to calculate charge density difference and adsorption energy.
  • Format the POSCAR and add element symbol tags to each atom.

Help Message

$ rsgrad pos --help
Operation(s) about POSCAR, including split it into two POSCARs

    rsgrad pos [OPTIONS] [--] [POSCAR]

            Specify the input POSCAR file
            [default: ./POSCAR]

    -a, --a-name <A_NAME>
            Splitted POSCAR path with selected atoms
            [default: POSCAR_A]

    -b, --b-name <B_NAME>
            Splitted POSCAR path with complement of `a_name`
            [default: POSCAR_B]

    -c, --cartesian
            Cartesian coordinates is used in writting POSCAR

            Convert POSCAR to cartesian coordinates or fractional coordinates

        --converted <CONVERTED>
            The target path of converted POSCAR
            [default: POSCAR_new]

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -i, --select-indices <SELECT_INDICES>...
            Selects the indices to operate.
            Step indices start from '1', if '0' is given, all the structures will be selected. Step
            indices can be negative, where negative index means counting reversely. E.g. "-i -2 -1 1
            2 3" means selecting the last two and the first three atom.

            The symbols of each atom will not be written as comment in POSCAR

            Atom constraints will be dropped when writting POSCAR

    -s, --split
            Split POSCAR according to selected_indices


  • Format the POSCAR to add element symbol tags

The original POSCAR of CO2:

 C  O 
    20.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000
     0.0000000000000000   20.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000
     0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000   20.0000000000000000
 C   O  
   1   2
  0.5000000000000000  0.5000000000000000 -0.5000000000000000
  0.5754584707965210  0.4974961803083730  0.5000000000000000
  0.4249089651951450  0.5078477015701101  0.5000000000000000

Then run rsgrad pos POSCAR --convert

$ rsgrad pos POSCAR --convert
[2022-07-14T15:38:47Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] Reading POSCAR file "POSCAR" ...
[2022-07-14T15:38:47Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] Converting it to "POSCAR_new"
[2022-07-14T15:38:47Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] Done
[2022-07-14T15:38:47Z INFO  rsgrad] Time used: 1.96796ms

The formatted file should be POSCAR_new

C  O
      20.000000000       0.000000000       0.000000000
       0.000000000      20.000000000       0.000000000
       0.000000000       0.000000000      20.000000000
      C      O
      1      2
      0.5000000000      0.5000000000     -0.5000000000 !      C-001    1
      0.5754584708      0.4974961803      0.5000000000 !      O-001    2
      0.4249089652      0.5078477016      0.5000000000 !      O-002    3
  • Convert POSCAR to Cartesian coordinates

Just run rsgrad pos POSCAR --convert --cartesian

$ rsgrad pos POSCAR --convert --cartesian
[2022-07-14T15:40:33Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] Reading POSCAR file "POSCAR" ...
[2022-07-14T15:40:33Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] Converting it to "POSCAR_new"
[2022-07-14T15:40:33Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] Done
[2022-07-14T15:40:33Z INFO  rsgrad] Time used: 1.57861ms

The converted file POSCAR_new should be like

C  O
      20.000000000       0.000000000       0.000000000
       0.000000000      20.000000000       0.000000000
       0.000000000       0.000000000      20.000000000
      C      O
      1      2
     10.0000000000     10.0000000000    -10.0000000000 !      C-001    1
     11.5091694159      9.9499236062     10.0000000000 !      O-001    2
      8.4981793039     10.1569540314     10.0000000000 !      O-002    3
  • Split the POSCAR

Let take the CO2 structure as the example again. Here we will take the C atom out to see what the operation does.

The C atom index is 1, so we should run rsgrad pos POSCAR -s -i 1

$ rsgrad pos POSCAR -s -i 1
[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] Reading POSCAR file "POSCAR" ...
[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] Splitting it to "POSCAR_A" and "POSCAR_B" ...
[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] "POSCAR_A" contains
[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos]       C     1
[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] "POSCAR_B" contains
[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos]       O     2
[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] "POSCAR_A" written
[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO  rsgrad::commands::pos] "POSCAR_B" written
[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO  rsgrad] Time used: 2.11275ms

The separated files should be like

       │ File: POSCAR_A
   1   │ Generated by rsgrad, POSCAR with selected atoms
   2   │  1.0000000
   3   │       20.000000000       0.000000000       0.000000000
   4   │        0.000000000      20.000000000       0.000000000
   5   │        0.000000000       0.000000000      20.000000000
   6   │       C
   7   │       1
   8   │ Direct
   9   │       0.5000000000      0.5000000000     -0.5000000000 !      C-001    1
       │ File: POSCAR_B
   1   │ Generated by rsgrad, POSCAR complement
   2   │  1.0000000
   3   │       20.000000000       0.000000000       0.000000000
   4   │        0.000000000      20.000000000       0.000000000
   5   │        0.000000000       0.000000000      20.000000000
   6   │       O
   7   │       2
   8   │ Direct
   9   │       0.5754584708      0.4974961803      0.5000000000 !      O-001    1
  10   │       0.4249089652      0.5078477016      0.5000000000 !      O-002    2

The process schema: